Nina naturally speaking
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I've been taking a look at Dragon NaturallySpeaking. I haven't really looked at voice recognition software for a long time. I'm pleasantly surprised. This is a much better product than it was when I looked at it 10 years ago. I guess that's to be expected. It is much easier to write simply by dictating. But it does force me to for my ideas differently. I think so spatially that it's so much easier for me to write thinking about how the words are formed from the letters that are connected to my fingers via the keyboard. Now I can't think like that anymore; I have to think in terms of what to say and how to say it clearly.
It was funny. Earlier today, Nina jumped up on my lap while I was dictating into a Word document. See, that's smart. The software even knew to capitalize word he can as I said Word document. Okay maybe it's not that smart if it can't even in transcribed what I'm saying when I'm trying to complement it. And
so Nina jumped up on my lap. And I was dictating. So I said something like in order to achieve an ROI hey Nina what are you doing? I am trying to work here. Why to? And then I went right on talking. I finished the article. And then when I went back and reread it, which thank God I do, there was that little Nina statement.
Now she's back again. Nina. Any CAD name is CAD CAD and his cat cat. Hello Ms. cat cat you are just the cutest. Lose deities little baby. Such a big girl.
So that's what it sounds like when I talk to Nina and I need to jump up you jumped up on daddy's lap and I anti-
Posted by mattsarrel
at 5:38 PM EDT