Many Sweet Returns
I returned from a 5 day trip to the Bay Area last night. Nina, Sonja, and I have fallen into a travel routine.
First, when I'm getting ready to leave, they see the suitcase and freak out. They start running around my apartment. Then they want attention. Then maybe one of them will jump in the suit case. They also know that I'm going to feed them right before I leave so when I zip up the suitcase and leave my room, Nina runs over to her food dish and Sonja sits gazing wistfully at me from her pizza box.
While I'm gone, my security system lets me log in over the web and watch them and check food and water levels. Sometimes I catch that rat Sonja on the couch.
When I return the same thing always happens. Sonja comes running up to me and sniffs me. Then she starts rubbing against me and purring. Every time our eyes meet she meows. I can almost hear her saying, "Oh, Daddy, Daddy, I missed you. Please pet me."
On the other hand, Nina hides under the bed no matter how many times I call her. When food is introduced, meaning that I eat my meal or call her for hers, she comes running, but won't let me pet her. After she eats, she runs away again. Then, I lay down in bed to go to sleep and she jumps up on the bed but still sort of stays away from me. I fall asleep. At some point during the night I wake up with her laying on my chest purring. My theory is that she's mad at me for leaving her.
The morning after I come home is a veritable orgy of petting. My alarm goes off and the two cats rub up against me and climb all over me. I pet them and they purr. Everyone's happy!
Posted by mattsarrel
at 9:25 AM EDT