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Nina and Sonja
Sunday, 23 September 2007
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: The White Stripes

I recently did a story on environmental monitoring for PC Mag.  More specifically, server room monitoring.  So now I've got this thing mounted on the wall, with cameras and thermometers and motion sensors.  I've got one camera aimed at the living room and another aimed at the food and water.  this way i may be able to tell if they're ok or not while I'm traveling.  I also installed a door strike so when someone opens my front door the system sends me a text message.

 I think all of this is quite reasonable.  Tina thinks I'm crazy.  She says that I should have my own reality show because this is not a normal way to take care of cats.  I think it is.

 I think i could adapt the door strike so that when their food dish is empty it sends me a text message.

I'm one connected Daddy.

Which reminds me.  I was thinking about it for some reason the other day, and I still think that I want my tombstone to say "Beloved Cat Daddy".  I may have to adapt that someday and say "Beloved Daddy". 

Posted by mattsarrel at 5:39 PM EDT

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