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Nina and Sonja
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
Rambunctious Nina
Mood:  energetic
You would not believe how difficult Nina has been today.  I don't understand what has gotten into her.  Sonja, as usual, is my sweet little darling who would never get in any trouble at all.  First, this morning Nina decided she just had to crawl behind my desk and start playing with the dozens of wires there.  She ultimately ended up turning off a power strip and shutting down my network.  Then, I caught her laying on the couch where she knows she shouldn't be.  I chased her away.  I came back into my office and worked for about 15 minutes.  Then I went to the kitchen to get a drink of water and she was on the couch again.  I picked her up and she looked at me like she had no idea what was wrong.  Now she's on the window sill and every once in a while she shoots me a poisonous look.  But I bet I'll pet her and everything will be OK.

Posted by mattsarrel at 3:52 PM EDT

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